Today is Pat's 30th birthday! While he keeps talking about how old he is I would like to remind him of how young he is.
If there's anyone I know that takes joy in things just like a child does, it's Pat. He views the world with a different eye than most adults. He can make a boring situation fun and believe it or not (for those of you who know the shy Pat) he can be obnoxiously hyper! I love doing even the simplest things with him like grocery shopping. He's the guy you see riding the cart down the aisle. Or the adult in Target testing the video games. He's the one in Toys R Us (one of our favorite dates) screaming from the other aisle - "You HAVE to come see this!!! " He's also the same person that when I go to grab his hand in public sometimes he'll yell really loud, "Lady, I don't know you! Why are you trying to hold my hand?" And he totally embarrasses me.
There's never a dull moment with him around. The first of your birthdays together involved me meeting your parents for the first time and I believe I bought you a Truman Show poster (see where our dog's name is from?) and baked some cookies in the dorm's common kitchen. It's funny to think how much things have changed but yet how much fun we still have and will continue to have.
Happy Birthday Pat! You may think 30 sounds like a big number but you'll always be a kid at heart!
happy birthday
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8:13 AM
Labels: Patrick, Photography