
goals in sept.

This morning I woke up and tried to think differently...

It's a new day. I have energy right? Zane only woke up once and Pat was kind enough to comfort him. Positive thinking!

During work today I thought I need to set some goals for myself. I think of goals a lot but more long-term thinking and then it frustrates me when I don't get to those in what I think is a fast enough time. To help push off some of that frustration I've decided to think on a short-term, monthly basis. What better way to hold myself accountable than to share them with you? Slightly
scary...being open to that but here we go!

Sept. Goals:
1. Schedule the massage Pat got me a gift certificate for and follow it with alone time at a bookstore to explore

2. Take at least 2 hours and scrapbook on a Friday off

3. Wake up at least 6 times (start small right?) to work out in the morning

4. Help my mom figure out pricing and start up necessities for her new possible venture

5. See a movie (in an actual theater - do they still have these?) with my husband