
spring fashion in full swing

Zane would like to make you all aware of the latest spring fashions here in the Laurent household, all occurring on the same day as you must change it up to keep things new!

It's always best to go shirtless when there's a chilly breeze blowing through the open windows. And did you know that IDogs now enjoy listening to baby's read?
Secondly, always sport a cool hairdo with the added feature of drool and a concentration face of sticking out your tongue. Watch out this look will be on the cover of People soon!
Forget the guy's with their boxers showing from their low riding pants! It's much cooler to show your diaper!
And don't let your parents snap those onesies! The look is more relaxed this summer so keep the snaps hanging out!
Check out other best shots from this week over at Mother May I.