
Baby Truett

I met Truett's mom, Cara, through several friends, which has just been funny how many common people we seem to know! Cara was the very pregnant maid-of-honor in my friend Lacey's wedding. We all were really hoping we wouldn't have to take her to the hospital during the wedding!

Truett waited a bit longer to come and now he's here and a couple months into this whole new world. And I must say he seems pretty happy about it! Of course when we went to take photos with Mommy he cried, why does that always happen? Zane seems to do the same thing with me! It's always with Mommy!

Adam and Cara have such a handsome little guy! I swear that Truett watched me the whole time and was Mr. Model himself. I might need to borrow him for more shots!

Meet Truett...told you he was happy! I wish I could have video taped what Adam was doing to get this smile!Had to prop him up on some cool antique furniture.

Hanging out in his crib.
Mommy trying to calm down Truett.
How cute is this family?!!
This is how I got here! Please stop kissing!

Love love love this shot!
Sleeping on a rocking chair...which of us wouldn't want to take a nap here?
Look at these eyes and that adorable little baby mouth.
The whole family.
I love when I catch people just being completely natural. Adam just kissed Cara all on his own and it created this moment.

The first baby of the family couldn't be left out of the pictures!

Another fav...

Truett's got some serious love from his Mommy & Daddy!